Restoration of Britain’s historic and last traditionally operated Floral Clock

Images courtesy of Emma Joyce Photography

Reopening of the Clockhouse: A Tribute to Community Effort and Heritage

Historic Clockhouse was re-opened in June 2024

Greenhill Gardens has had a Floral Clock since 1936. The timepiece underwent months of restoration in 2023/2024 and the Showcase Clockhouse incorporating the clock’s workings has been rebuilt.

The Opening Ceremony

Under blue skies and in glorious summer sunshine, the official celebration took place on Saturday 29 June 2024. The Opening Party consisted of the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Dorset Mr Cleeves Palmer, Mayor of Weymouth, Cllr Jon Orrell, Antiques Expert Paul Atterbury, International Concert Pianist Tamara Konstantin, local benefactor Derek Luckhurst and Friends’ Group Treasurer Tim Spooner.

Tamara Konstantin cut the yellow ribbon to formally open the building and was presented with flowers by Rosie Nolan-Stone. Tamara has written and recorded a gentle melodious piece of music for piano, cello and violin entitled “Greenhill.”  The piece plays homage to her love of Greenhill where she now lives and was played at the Ceremony.

All the participants made contributions concerning the Clockhouse which were appreciated by the audience.

Images courtesy of Emma Joyce Photography

The Clock’s history

The Floral Clock is a rare and historic Garden element having been designed in Edinburgh by Richie & Sons who also built Edinburgh’s famous Princes Street Gardens’ Floral Clock.

Both the Scottish clock and the Weymouth one incorporate a cuckoo sound which can be heard on the quarter hour.  In earlier years the sound seemed to come from a hedge next to the old Clockhouse and many children thought the cuckoo lived in the hedge, but by 2023 it has not worked for very many years.

The Clockhouse

The original Clockhouse was a basic wooden hut with few windows.  From an original suggestion by Weymouth Town Council, who have supported this project throughout, the Friends Group took on the task of raising the money to replace this building with something more aesthetically pleasing.

An initial sketch was made by The Friends of Greenhill Gardens’ Group chair Jane Chandler was made into a formal drawing by Building Design Consultants, Paul Dean Associates.  The design closely followed the look of the nearby Bennett Shelter with many windows for members of the public to view the fascinating clock workings.

The original cuckoo sound which was fondly remembered by many previous visitors has been rebuilt and now operates every quarter of an hour.

The Background

The 1936 floral clock cost £200 which was a considerable amount of money then. It is located about 20 feet from the Clockhouse and is connected 2 feet underground to the mechanism that runs the time piece.

The new building showpieces the fascinating apparatus with multi pane windows on two sides giving easy viewing.

Weymouth is the only working floral clock that retains its original clockworks.

Images courtesy of Emma Joyce Photography

Collaborative Effort and Community Support for the Floral Clock Restoration

The Creative Team behind this project were the Chair of Dorset Clock Society Leon Harvey; Portland builders JAIC Group and FOGG Members Tim Spooner, Barry Graham and Graham Dubben.

Repairs to the Cuckoo Sound Box were undertaken by Shane Seagrave and Rob Harris.

Local businessman Derek Luckhurst generously covered the cost of the actual Clockhouse building, so monies raised by FOGG were able to be used for the restoration of the mechanism itself.

Local Endorsement

The project aroused huge public support and comment. This has resulted in donations pouring in from many local organisations and individuals. In addition  donations in memory of members of the public from many areas who have passed away.

Further help has come from a grant provided by The Gardens Trust and monies collected at the Sunday afternoon concerts in the Gardens during the summer months.

If you’d like to support the Floral Clock, please consider contributing to our efforts.

The Conclusion to this Magnificent Endeavour

The result is that Weymouth’s historic Gardens now has a Floral Clock and Showcase Clockhouse that will last for generations to come and provide enjoyment to all who visit the Gardens… and FUN for children listening to and working out where the cuckoo is!

The afternoon concluded with highly tasty Refreshments which were provided By FOGG members, Barbara Dubben, Marisa Ronzitti, Tim Pike and Ann Wintle.