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Greenhill Gardens

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Directions to Greenhill Gardens are as follows:

Trains link directly to London Waterloo,  Dorchester, Poole, and Bristol. From Weymouth Station, walk to the esplanade, turn left along the seafront and walk all the way to Greenhill Gardens. A little more than a ½ mile walk.

Greenhill Gardens are on Greenhill.  The nearest carparks are Lodmoor Car Park DT4 7SX behind the Premier Inn on Greenhill, and Beach Car Park. DT3 6HS off Preston Road.

Bus No 4/4A runs between Weymouth Kings Statue and Preston, with a stop at Greenhill Gardens. It runs approx. every 40 minutes Monday to Saturday. 

In June to August, take the land train that runs along the esplanade between the Gloucester Hotel to the Sealife Centre. For timetable, see

Walk along the Esplanade going out of town towards Preston. The Greenhill Gardens entrance is ½ mile from the Jubilee Clock Tower.