Support Greenhill Gardens

If you wish to support the work of Friends of Greenhill Gardens, there are several ways to make a donation. We are also looking for Volunteers who can help us with events and projects. Buy FOGG tea towels, posters, coasters and greeting cards from our shop

Standing Order

Give by Standing Order

Please consider becoming a regular supporter of the Trust by setting up a standing order. If you are a UK taxpayer, you can also Gift Aid your donation.


Give by Cheque

We also accept donations by cheque. As a charity, Gift Aid increases the value of any donation from a UK tax payer by 25% at no extra cost to the donor. A Gift Aid form can be downloaded and included with your cheque.

Give by legacy

Leave a Legacy

The Trust is a Registered Charity (No. 1199609) so any legacies left to the Trust are given in their entirety and are not subject to inheritance tax.


Donations at Events

Most of the Entertainers at the following Sunday afternoon events are paid. We help to offset this expense and raise monies for projects by bucket donations on those days. So please give what you can as you enjoy the entertainment on offer. Many thanks

Other ways you can help


Come and help us with our events in the Gardens, Quiz nights, and our various projects.

Please contact Jane Chandler


When you place an order through Dolphin, Greenhill Gardens receives a 10% payment.  

Tea towels, posters, coasters and greeting cards are on sale now. To find out more, visit their website.