Two Tier Chalets

Discover the Charm of Greenhill Beach's Two-Tier Chalets

In the 1920s there was little spare money and few jobs to be had.  At the same time, the recognition was growing that sun, air and outdoor activities were a key to health. In 1923,   Weymouth Town embarked on an innovative project to create 4 new all weather tennis courts, and to build 45 new beach chalets.  In part funded by the recent Unemployed Relief Scheme, up to 200 people were employed each day in the construction which cost £11,000. . 

“The beach chalets would have been considered the epitome of good taste when first constructed” (English Heritage)

Despite ongoing popularity, maintenance backlog mounted and was estimated at over £500,000 in 2006.  To offset these costs the Borough Council proposed selling the tennis courts and chalets for the development of a restaurant and car park.

Local representation to English Heritage resulted in the Grade II listing of the chalets in 2008. The redevelopment proposals were finally abandoned in 2014